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Product Name:Mult-ports High LCD Current Test Instrument
Multi-ports High LCD current detector is Shenzhen Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., as the combination of poly-LCD industry LCD current sensing and monitoring requirements, after extensive in-depth research and repeated tests developed to complete. The purpose of this instrument is to develop accurate measurement of current LCD products, LCD products, automatic monitoring and alarm current is exceeded, greatly reducing the LCD screen displays OK but the current product abnormal recessive NG product shipment rate, improve product testing LCD manufacturers efficiency and output quality.
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(1) The instrument uses a fully modular design, can be extended in accordance with user requirements test channel ones, the standard configuration is a way or 3-way test channel. Each test channel uses a separate power supply, current acquisition circuit, display circuit, keyboard input, alarm output, etc..
(2) Each test channel can be adapted to test current range,including uA and mA Current value,high measurement accuracy.
(3) Each test channel can test any of them a screen or all screens of the current is exceeded, simple operation, current superscalar has a digital display and buzzer alarm.
(4) for each test channel exceeded the upper limit of the current parameter settings, alarm settings, display settings, and other operations on the instrument can either enter or modify the keyboard can also be connected to a PC via a PC via PC software bulk editing.
(5) The instrument can be used independently as a current detector can also be detected with the screen display poor AOI equipment interconnection, the completion screen displays simultaneously detecting undesirable excessive current anomaly detection.
(1) for each test channel current test range, the measurement range is 0.1uA ~ 100mA, internal files and automatically switches uA mA range, to ensure the highest accuracy;
(2) Current Test Accuracy:
1) 0 ~ 40uA, the accuracy ± 0.1uA;
2) 40 ~ 400uA, the accuracy ± 0.5uA;
3) 400 ~ 2000uA, the accuracy ± 5uA;
4) 2 ~ 100mA, the accuracy of ± 0.1mA.
Multi-ports High LCD current detector No special installation is required, just following environment:
(1) AC 220V, power 50W;
(2) current is less than 100mA;